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Workshop in Barcelona: How to Make a Low-tech Website

We will demystify web technologies by making websites that are simple to create and modify.

Image: Workshop in Barcelona.
Image: Workshop in Barcelona.
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Website technology is becoming increasingly complex and energy intensive, with big companies like Meta and Google leading the dance. ​Is this necessary? What does it really take to get our content online?

​Low←tech Magazine & Antoine Jaunard are teaming up to bring you a low-tech website making workshop. ​It takes place in Barcelona, at Akasha Hub, on 25 May from 3 to 6 pm.

​Together, we will demystify web technologies by making websites that are simple to create and modify. Websites that can be hosted anywhere, even on a DIY solar powered server.

The workshop will be in English or Spanish depending on you. Come as you are. And just bring your computer.

More info: Workshop How to make a Low-tech Website?