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How to Build an Electrically Heated Table?

This manual explains how to assemble an electrically heated and insulated table that keeps you toasty warm in a cold space.

Thematic Book Series: Heating People, not Spaces

We have launched the third volume in a new series of books opening up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme.

The Revenge of the Hot Water Bottle

Imagine a personal heating system that works indoors as well as outdoors, can be taken anywhere, requires little energy, and is independent of any infrastructure. It exists – and is hundreds of years old.

Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Places

Most modern heating systems are primarily based on the heating of air. This seems an obvious choice, but there are far worthier alternatives.

Heat Your Clothes, Not Your House

The arrival of compact lithium-ion batteries has increased the performance and diversity of electrically heated clothing.

Insulation: First the Body, Then the Home

Modern thermal underclothing offers the possibility to turn the thermostat much lower without sacrificing comfort or sex appeal.