Battery used Battery charging
Written by

Kris De Decker

Urban windmills harm the environment

A small windmill on your roof or in the garden is an attractive idea. Unfortunately, commercially available micro wind turbines deliver hardly enough energy to power a light bulb. Their financial payback time is much longer than their life expectancy and in urban areas they will not even deliver as much energy as was needed to produce them.

A Steam Powered Submarine: The Ictíneo

Narcís Monturiol successfully resolved the two basic obstacles presented to submarine inventors: air supply and mechanical power.

Carbon sequestration: Bury the Idea, not the CO2

Why introduce yet another expensive, energy-intensive and risky technology if there are so many other and better ways of fighting global warming?

The Citroen 2CV: Cleantech from the 1940s

In spite of all the high-tech that has been squeezed into cars, the 2CV from 1949 is still more energy efficient than the smallest Citroen today.

Life Without Airplanes: from London to New York in 3 Days and 12 Hours

If we would stuff people in the ‘Queen Mary 2’ like we fold passengers into airplane seats, the ship could transport more than 500,000 people

Is ecotech the new asbestos?

What will remain of greentech, cleantech and ecotech if nanotechnology turns out to be harmful for humans and the environment?

Mechanical Calculators: Computing Without Electricity

Fast and complicated calculations are a product of fossil fuels.

The Pinhole Camera: Low-tech Photography

Build a pinhole camera, turn your bedroom into a camera obscura, and rediscover photography.

Bring Back the Horses

Replacing tractors with real horse power could be the revolution that agriculture needs.

Leave the Algae Alone

While the first generation of biofuels is wreaking havoc on the environment and the food markets, the second generation is set to make things even worse.

Why bottled water is good for the environment

Drinking bottled water is a more ecological choice than consuming soft drinks, coffee, fruit juice or beer.

Life Before Television

Turn off your flat screen television and get lost in 17th, 18th and 19th century optical entertainment.