Adjusting energy demand to supply would make switching to renewable energy much more realistic than it is today.
Matching supply to demand at all times makes renewable power production a complex, slow, expensive and unsustainable undertaking.
Those who can overcome their vanity can revert to technology that has proven to work.
Unlike solar and wind energy, human power is always available, no matter the season or time of day.
The heat storage hypocaust could keep a room warm for days with just one firing of the furnace.
More and more consumer products are controlled by networked software: what does this mean for energy demand, and exactly who is responsible for increasing consumption?
The expression “estar en la gloria” (to be inside the gloria) means that someone feels happy and comfortable.
The information society promises to dematerialise society and make it more sustainable, but modern office and knowledge work has itself become a large and rapidly growing consumer of energy and other resources
Could we rethink and redesign office equipment, combining the best of mechanical and digital devices?
Solar panels on window sills and balconies can supply more power than you would think.
Directly coupling DC power sources with DC loads can result in a significantly cheaper and more sustainable solar system.
Hydraulic power transmission is very efficient compared to electricity when it is used to operate powerful but infrequently used machines.