Battery used Battery charging

Low-tech Solutions

Interesting possibilities arise when you combine old technology with new knowledge and new materials, or when you apply old concepts and traditional knowledge to modern technology.

Radiant & Conductive Heating Systems

Radiant and conductive heating systems make energy use independent of the size of a room or building.

The Revenge of the Circulating Fan

Cooling people by increasing local airflow is at least ten times more energy efficient than refrigerating the air in a given space.

If We Insulate Our Houses, Why Not Our Cooking Pots?

A fireless cooker doubles the efficiency of any type of cooking device because it shortens the time on the fire and limits heat transfer losses

Modular Cargo Cycles

Modular cargo cycles are cheap to build and easy to customize.

Heat Your Clothes, Not Your House

The arrival of compact lithium-ion batteries has increased the performance and diversity of electrically heated clothing.

Back to Basics: Direct Hydropower

The hydro power installations in use today are less energy efficient than those of earlier centuries.

How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware

A modular system unites the advantages of standardisation (parts can be produced cheaply in large amounts) with the advantages of customisation (a large diversity of unique objects can be made with relatively few parts).

Electric Velomobiles: as Fast and Comfortable as Automobiles, but 80 times more Efficient

About a quarter of the existent wind turbines would suffice to power as many electric velomobiles as there are people.

Electric Velomobiles: as Fast and Comfortable as Automobiles, but 80 times more Efficient (Part Two)

A car with a top speed of 270 km/h can be driven anywhere on Earth, while an electric velomobile with an electric assistance of up to 50 km/h is illegal is most countries.

Cargo Cyclists Replace Truck Drivers on European City Streets

A cargo cycle is at least as fast as a delivery van in the city - and much cheaper to use.

How to Keep Beverages Cool Outside the Refrigerator

The Spanish botijo is a water bottle that cools itself, without electricity.

The Solar Envelope: How to Heat and Cool Cities without Fossil Fuels

Modern research, which combines ancient knowledge with fast computing techniques, shows that passive solar cities are a realistic option, allowing for surprisingly high population densities.