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Our books are for sale through Lulu’s website: chronological series, thematic collection, hardcovers. The e-book collection is available via Payhip’s website. Below is an overview of our complete book catalog, with links to the corresponding web pages. Patrons can download e-book (epub) for free and get early access to new books at a discounted price.
Chronological Series
We have launched a three-volume book series that chronologically ranks Low-tech Magazine’s archives from 2007 to 2021. Compared to the website, we have partly rewritten and improved some articles, updated all references, and added more and better images. The series also includes a volume of reader comments on all articles. A fifth volume is in the works.
Low-tech Magazine Volume II (2012—2018)
Low-tech Magazine Volume I (2007—2012)
The Comments (2008—2021)
Thematic Collection
In 2023, we also launched a thematic book series, with four volumes now available. These shorter books open up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme rather than chronologically.
How Circular is the Circular Economy?
Heating People Not Spaces
How to Downsize a Transport Network?
How To Build a Low-tech Internet?
Translated books
All books have been translated into French. One of our books is available in Dutch. There is no Polish translation planned for now.
Our French Books
Our Dutch Book