Upcoming & on-going events
BOOK LAUNCH — How to Make Books more Sustainable, 28.3.25, Akasha Hub, Barcelona, ES. Launching our new compressed book edition. Please sign-up via the link above.
EXHIBITION — Digital Witness, LACMA, Los Angeles, USA. Presenting our dithering process to compress images. Until July 13, 2025.
Past events
- EXHIBITION — Design voor de Planeet, Design Museum Den Bosch, the Netherlands. Showcasing the solar website and a bike generator. Until February 9 (extended), 2025.
- WORKSHOP — How to build a bike generator.Valencia, Spain, January 2025.
- EXHIBITION — Spaces for Tomorrow, by SBYD at the Dutch Design Week, 19-27 October 2024. Showcasing one our bike generator, built during a workshop with design students at the Folkwang University in Essen, DE.
- ONLINE TALK — ESC RETURN ↩ : Scripts for degrowth, buen vivir and living otherwise, panke-gallery, Berlin, June 1&2, 2024.
- TALK — Back to the Middle Ages?. Reflection on the work of Louise Morin at the gallery et al. 21st of May, 2024. Brussels, Belgium.
- OPEN STUDIO — Meyboom Festival. Our Brussels co-working space has their open week-end. We will be selling books and showcasing a bike generator. 4-5 May 2024, Brussels, Belgium.
- TALK — Back to the Future of the Internet, 21 February 2024. Talk & debate on the past and future of the web at AkashaHub, Barcelona, Spain.
- TALK — Night of Ideas 2024, 26 February 2024, Institut Français, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- EXHIBITION — Energies Légères, 9 November-17 March 2024, Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris. A show about “lighter energies”, where one of our bike generators is on display.
- INTERVIEW — “Figure it Out: the Art of Living through System Failures”. Radio Conference on Stegi.radio, 13-15 December 2023, Athens, Greece. Podcast here.
- TALK — “Piksel festival”, Bergen, Norway, 23-26 November, 2023.
- INTERVIEW — “Techtonic with Mark Hurst”. Podcast, 20 November 2024.
- TALK — “Jornadas, la tierra para quien la regenera”, 11-12 November, Can Masdeu, Barcelona, Spain.
- TALK — “Sufficiency and frugality: business model and public acceptance and adoption”, 7-8 November 2023, Valencia, Spain
- WORKSHOP — How to build a bike generator. Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 10-14 October 2023.
- WORKSHOP — Direct solar systems. Transitiefestival, Antwerp, Belgium. 9 September 2023.
- TALK — Summer School, Nomadic School of Arts, Soft Connection Lab, KASK, Ghent, Belgium. 5 September 2023
- WORKSHOP — Direct solar systems, UOC, Barcelona, Spain. 6 July 2023.
- WORKSHOP — Direct solar systems, AkashaHub, Barcelona, Spain. 11 June 2023.
- WORKSHOP — How to build a bike generator, BiciHub, Barcelona, Spain. In cooperation with SlowLab. 7 June 2023.
- TALK — Design Investigations, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria. 2 May 2023.
2019-2023 events: List under construction.
- Futurs Pluriels: Low Tech!, Plurality University Network, September 11, 2019, Paris, France.
- Look Back, Move Forward, The Conference, Malmö, Sweden, August 27, 2019.
- Urban Tour: Human Power Plant, Platform GRAS, Performing Arts Festival Groningen, the Netherlands, August 16-17, 2019.
- IAM Barcelona, The Quantumness of Archipelagos, Barcelona, Spain, March 21-23 2019.
- Bits & Baüme, Die Konferenz für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, Berlin, Germany, November 2018. Debate + presentation of the solar powered website.
- Crossing Border, The Hague, November 2018. Presentation of the Human Power Plant, with Melle Smets.
- Live without airplanes, University of Hull, Institute of Applied Ethics, UK, October 2018.
- Radical Networks, Berlin, Germany, October 2018. A presentation of the solar powered website by Marie Otsuka and Roel Roscam Abbing.
- Lowtech Lab, Archipel, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2018
- Border Sessions Tech Culture Festival, The Hague, June 2018
- Rethinking Comfort, 10th Windsor Conference, Windsor, UK, April 2018
- Workshops Human Power Plant, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, November 2017
- Preview Human Power Plant, Antwerp, Belgium, October 2017
- Labland, Ghent, Belgium, July 2017
- PLEA 2017, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2017
- NODE17: Designing Hope, Frankfurt, Germany, June 2017
- Setmana de la Ciència Crítica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain, May 2017
- II Congrés de Sobirania Tecnològica, Barcelona, Spain, March 2017
- “Stralingsverwarming”, Trend 21, Rotterdam, Netherlands, March 2017
- “Open Forum on Technology”, Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice, Can Decreix, Cerbère, France, July 2016
- “Back to the Middle Ages?”, Nocturne Anno 1465, Domein Raversyde, Oostend, Belgium, July 2016
- “Spark Lecture: Low-tech Solutions for High-tech Problems”, Climate KIC, Utrecht, the Netherlands, June 2016
- “Low-tech Solutions”, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 2015
- “Low-tech Cities”, Border Sessions, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 2015
- “The prospective of forgotten technology”, DEMAND Institute, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, May 2015
- “Low-tech Solutions”, System D Academy, Sandberg Institute, Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, February 2015
- “Productontwikkeling: hightech of lowtech?”, Workshop Product Design, Antwerp University, January 2015
- “Ever considered low-tech?”, FEA Research Symposium, Ghent University, December 2014, Ghent, Belgium.
- “Low-tech Solutions for a Sustainable Society”, Capitalism Catch-22, IMPAKT Festival, November 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- “Smart Technologies: Possibly High or Low”, Make a Difference (MaD) 2013, January 2013, Hong Kong.
- “Technologies Lost and Found” (workshop), Make a Difference (MaD) 2013, January 2013, Hong Kong.
- “The prospective of forgotten technology”, ARTMAP, December 2012, Paris, France.
- “Energie anders bekeken: geschiedenis inspireert tot een duurzame energiestrategie”, Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging, November 2012, Antwerp, Belgium.
- “Lowtech creativiteit en innovatie”, Gent BC Business Café, November 2012, Ghent, Belgium.
- “Energie in 2030 - maatschappelijke keuzes van nu”, Rathenau Instituut & Energie+, October 2011, The Hague, the Netherlands.
- “LIFT France 2011: Be Radical”, FING, July 2011, Marseille, France.
- “Duurzame filantropen”, Flemish government, Departement of Environment, October 2010, Brussels, Belgium.