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The Printed Website

The Compressed Book Edition

How to make books more sustainable? Inspired by the image compression on our solar-powered website, we squeezed the article catalog of our three-volume book series into just one book.

Low-tech Magazine: The Ebooks

Low-tech Magazine now offers its complete book collection in epub format.

Thematic Book Series: How Circular is the Circular Economy?

The fourth volume in a series of books opening up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme.

Thematic Book Series: Heating People, not Spaces

We have launched the third volume in a new series of books opening up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme.

Thematic Book Series: How to Downsize a Transport Network?

We have launched the second volume in a new series of books opening up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme.

Thematic Book Series: How to Build a Low-tech Internet?

We have launched the first volume in a new series of books opening up Low-tech Magazine’s archive by theme.

Low-tech Magazine: The Comic

Filmmaker Guillaume Lion visited Low-tech Magazine in Barcelona and turned his experience into a comic for the Belgian magazine Médor.

The Printed Website: Volume III & The Comments

The printed archives of Low-tech Magazine now amount to four volumes with a total of 2,398 pages and 709 images.

The Printed Website: Second Volume Out Now

The second volume features a third of the web articles published in the earlier years, carefully selected for their continued relevance and interest today.

Low-tech Magazine: The Printed Website

Read Low-tech Magazine with no access to a computer, a power supply, or the internet.