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Low-tech Magazine is available in several languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Polish, and more.

Image: low-tech magazine in arabic.
Image: low-tech magazine in arabic.
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Over the years, most articles of Low-tech Magazine have been translated in various languages by volunteers. Since we switched to the new solar website in 2018, all of these languages have received their own front page:

If you are interested to translate articles for Low-tech Magazine, let us know: solar [] lowtechmagazine [] com.


Français (64) Théo Manent Camille Martin Maxime Pinsard Élisa Lorcy Stefen Guibon Guillaume Dutilleux Héloïse Ouvry Camille Saraiva Augustin Isaac Célia Michenaud Julitte Chevreuil Léa Talec-Bernard Stanislas Oriot Albin Digue Alicia Bonnet Angélique Robert Aurianne Damoy Benjamin Le Roux Benoît Bride Bertrand Louart Daphné Pelat Delphine Leveque Dounia Latorre Eva Pinto Fanny Guédez Framalang Félix Rodier-Bellec Marie Verdeil Maud Crausaz Maëlle Gonzales Nathalie Fournier Nicolas Poinsu Ornella Lowe Sango Barker-Giles William Barreau Adrien Krauz Alexandre Descamps Amélia Levesque Arnaud Robert Audrey Belliot Axel Azario Benjamin Gervasoni Brendan Huon Clémence Bout Constance Germann Gaëtan Giordano Grégoire Ludivine Hugo Gervasoni Jeanne Bowie Julien Dupont Julien Jouan Julien Jouan et Daphné Pelat Juliette Le Berrigot Keith Salina Laurane Tesson Lise-Laure Guehenneuc Ludivine Grégoire Marine Régnier Martin Boissel Nan Van Gyseghem Robin Mayol Stephen Guibon UBO Yann Scordia
Deutsch (13) Erhard Maria Klein Pascal Vollmer Jonas Görgen Marc Hangler Mario Stoltz Stella Rieck Karsten Hiekmann Martin Randelhoff Martin Sirringhaus Angela Schult Martin Hager Paul Teubner Steffi Sixdorf
Nederlands (1) Kathy Vanhout
Español (16) Ruby Eastwood Aliana Bertolo José Vera Jordi Parra Alexander López Sebastián Uribe Adriana Parra Esteruelas Albert Cuesta Alfonso Garcia-Oliva Angela Lluch Colectivo Disonancia Jose Vera María Lapeña Nacho Postigo Nekane López Azurmendi Yago Quiñones Triana
Italiano (4) Erin Rizzato Devlin Mattia Mantellini Terra Nuova
Português (5) Diogo Matias Marília D. Jacques Augusto Andrade CIDAC Vasco Bäuerle
Polski (2) Michał Kolbusz Damian Skrok
العربية (1) Mohamad Mortada (محمد مرتضى)
Tiếng Việt (1) Nguyễn Phương Anh
한국어 (1) 이영준 (Young Jun Lee)